
Zero Is A Hero

Zero Is A Hero One day, in the number land, Mrs. Nine decided to have a party. She invited Mr. Eight, Mrs. Seven, Mrs. Six, Mr. Five, Mr. Four, Miss. Three, Dr. Two, Miss. One and little Zero. Just when the party was about to start, Dr. Two noticed zero was not there. Every one […]

Winters For Choo

Winters For Choo Winter is back ! Choo the chick was trying to make a snow chick with his mother. They together made a very beautiful snow chick. Choo was so happy that he started to dance with joy. When they were going back home, Choo saw a snow fairy. He ran behind the snow […]

A Dream Came True

A Dream Came True It was late in the night; I was fast asleep when the doorbell rang. I stumbled down the stairs and found a light flickering, “It is a normal thing to see in an old light” I thought. Looking carefully around, I took calculated steps to reach the door, but suddenly a […]

A Place For All To Live

A Place For All To Live Life is full of ups and downs, but sometimes it shows its ruthful matrix of misery and melancholy that It’s very harsh to live. This tough situation was confronted by 18 year teenager, Ajay Das living in Gauhati as he consequently lost his one year old toddler brother, eating […]

Trying To Get Comfortable

Trying To Get Comfortable Alex stood nervously at the gates of Oakwood Heights High School, clutching a schedule. It was his third School in three years and he felt like an outsider in the bustling hallways. He found his first class, history, and Joe says the bell rang and slipped into a seat, earning a […]

The Football Game

The Football Game His name is George Steinberg. He is 16 and a sophomore at Northern Highlands Regional High School. He plays on the junior varsity football team, and he is a quarterback on the football team. He loves to play football, it is his favorite thing to do and lucky for him he is […]

Marlene’s Treasure Hunt

Marlene’s Treasure Hunt “Land Ho!” Shouted a buccaneer as the Golden Angel came close to the island, Captain Marlene had always dreamed of since she was a child. She promised her ill father, that one day, she would discover all of the treasure on the island, her father talked so much about. But, locating this […]

The World’s Greatest Treasure

The World’s Greatest Treasure “It’s all your fault that we’re lost!” exclaimed the frustrated Lin to her brother. Sweat trickled all over her raging, irritated face as she scowled at her brother, Tom. It was all his and his stupid map’s fault that they were stuck in the middle of nowhere! Grass as long as […]

The Olascar

The Olascar Chapter 1 – Lily goes to find Olivia Lily on a sunny day was playing with her small sister Olivia. They were playing a game called Pound (The game was made by Olivia in which you put water in a bucket and watch a plastic duck floating). Suddenly Lily shouted, “My pancake!” (She […]

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