Author : Attiya Tul Hayee

A Dream Came True

A Dream Came True It was late in the night; I was fast asleep when the doorbell rang. I stumbled down the stairs and found a light flickering, “It is a normal thing to see in an old light” I thought. Looking carefully around, I took calculated steps to reach the door, but suddenly a […]

What Tiranga Means To Me

What Tiranga Means To Me Tiranga is the pride and glory of my country. The vibrant colours contained in our flag touch the soft corner of every Indian’s heart. The peace, purity, courage, honesty, faith and prosperity that it encompasses represent the citizens of India and signifies unity in diversity. Love to one’s country should […]

The Solution – Sustainability

The Solution – Sustainability Look around you; Sense it with your eyes.Our Earth is confronting trying times. Little do we know it is us who,Intrudes nature’s arrangement.When will we stop polluting the environment?When will man stop being so incoherent? Who will find a helpful solution?A solution for our earth’s uprise.When will we act upon sustainability?Who […]

Have You Heard Of “Spring” ?

Have You Heard Of “Spring” ? Have you heard of “Spring”?A season bringing great ecstasy,For both the elderly and their offspring.Spring is a season which blooms mysterious fantasy,Into the heart of curiosity. The liveliness of nature we welcome this spring,As the flowers sway in the morning glow.The birds puff their chests and open their wings,The […]

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