The Football Game

The Football Game - Story - Little Authors

The Football Game

His name is George Steinberg. He is 16 and a sophomore at Northern Highlands Regional High School. He plays on the junior varsity football team, and he is a quarterback on the football team. He loves to play football, it is his favorite thing to do and lucky for him he is very good. George has been playing football since he was about 6 years old, so it is no surprise he is good at it. His father was also a famous football player, he played on two NFL teams, both the Miami Dolphins and the Kansas City Chiefs.

George’s dad Micheal Steinberg absolutely loved the sport, so he really wanted his son to play, follow his footsteps, and carry on the legacy that he left behind. So George is a very good player on his team. So far in the season, they have won eleven games and lost two in the regular season, and have made it to the state finals. The Northern Highlands junior varsity team has made it to the Finals. The last game is Northern Highlands Regional High School against Ramapo Valley Regional High School. The two schools, specifically football teams, are very big rivals. They both have the same amount of wins and losses this season. The two teams are tied and their last game to see who the victor for the season is tomorrow.

The Highlands football team has been practicing every single day this season, trying to win the championship, because they had not won one in the past 11 years. The Ramapo High School football team has won three championships in just the past five years. George really wants to get a championship for the junior varsity team, so he has been practicing at home as well as at school. He is very excited for the game tomorrow, and really wants to win that game.

The next morning he wakes up, excited to play that final game. He gets up and gets ready for school as he normally does. George takes a protein shake with his breakfast today to make sure he gets a boost of protein. He goes to school just like any other ordinary day, and he comes home after that to start getting ready for the football game. George has to be at the high school for five o’clock because the game starts at 8:30, but it is an away game at Ramapo. So he gets ready at his house, and he is really ecstatic to play in the championship game and hopefully win the championship. So George gets ready at his house and heads over to Northern Highlands High School. The football team gathers and gets onto the bus to head over to Ramapo High School. It takes around 25 minutes to get to Ramapo Valley high school, but once they get there they see the other team. Everyone from each team shares dirty looks with each other. The teams warm up and wait for people to arrive as they warm up and get ready for the big game.

Parents and students from both of the schools start to flood the stands, and both sides of the bleachers are full of people cheering for their school. It is Highlands ball possession first, so all of the players line up for the first play of the game. A few of the players from the Ramapo team give George a nasty look. He does not think much of it at first though. Then later in the game during halftime, Highlands is winning 21-15. Everyone on the Highlands side is cheering and everyone on the Ramapo side is booing and throwing things at Highlands students. The same three players from Ramapo are staring at George, so he approaches them with one of his teammates. The players from the other team start talking about how bad George and his team are, and how they are going to lose the game.

George does not get that bothered, but his teammate is getting bullied by one of the other kids from the Ramapo team. He starts to get really upset, so George and him walk back to their side of the field. The third quarter starts, and those few kids from Ramapo start targeting George and his teammate, and purposefully try to injure them. George’s teammate gets rammed into by three of the biggest kids on the Ramapo team, and he ends up with a concussion and sprained wrist. The players from Ramapo then try to do the same thing to George, but his other teammates figure out what is going on so they protect George, since he is the best chance that they have at winning the state championship.

It is the end of the third quarter now, and Highlands is still up 27-21. The Ramapo team has been losing all game so far, and it seems like the Highlands team might win the championship. So the Ramapo team starts playing dirty, they start trying to injure even more Highlands players on purpose. Their plan does not end up working however, because the Highlands football team ends up finally winning their first championship in eleven years. They are so happy that they finally won. The Ramapo team is really angry, and those few kids come up to George, and start telling him that he is terrible at football and that his team carried him. He tells them that being mean will not get them anywhere in life, and losing the football game helped prove his point. They finally realize that they should probably stop being so mean to people. They apologize to George and that other kid they injured.

By Andrew Bernstein

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The Football Game

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