Author : Little Authors

The Loyal Mongoose

The Loyal Mongoose Once there was a farmer who lived with his wife and his infant son in a village. The farmer and his wife loved their son very much. One day, while returning from the fields, the farmer found a little mongoose lying near the road. It looked pale and hurt. The farmer picked […]

The Four Friends

The Four Friends There were four friends who lived deep inside a forest. The four friends were: a deer, a crow, a mole and a tortoise. They would meet every afternoon under a shady banyan tree and talk for hours. One day, the deer did not turn up at the usual time. The mole, tortoise […]

The Three Promises

The Three Promises Once upon a time, a young man named Aditya was walking through a forest when he came across a dry well. To his surprise, he saw a tiger, a snake, and a man trapped inside the well, all pleading for help. Despite his fear of the tiger and the snake, Aditya decided […]

The Blue Jackal

The Blue Jackal In a jungle, there lived a jackal. One day, looking for food, he wandered into a nearby village. A pack of dogs saw him and surrounded him. They attacked him and tried to drive him away. In order to save himself, the jackal ran into a nearby house. This house belonged to […]

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