The Web Of Indian Politics

Web of Indian Politics - Little Authors -

The Web Of Indian Politics

India, the largest democracy, is known for its dynamic politics. From afar, this romp of vying seems like a child’s play, the viciousness of which can only be understood by the participants and the ‘victims’. The more you understand the Indian politics the more it will fool you.

The sight seers can merely understand how something so organised like the governance of the 7th largest country and the largest democracy can turn into a loop of corruption, violence and conspiracies. In this great nation, the citizens vote for their candidates expecting peace, improvement and respect, despite knowing the promising faces could be washed away in an instant.

The organised crime called the Indian politics has many faces. The candidates have their own favourites, for some it is religion, for some communal diversities and for some its just the working of the ruling party. Although the citizens seem to acknowledge these topics more know, this just proves the previous words wiser and the candidates find more ways to burn to the innocence of the people.

The politics just prior to the independence was different, after independence, Congress dominated the political scene for several decades. The newly independent India was faced with several challenges in the political arena. The country had to develop a system of government that would be conducive to promoting democracy and reducing the influence of the colonial government.

One of the key challenges was the issue of identity politics. India is a diverse country, with a multitude of linguistic, cultural, and religious groups. The newly independent India had to navigate the delicate balance of accommodating these groups’ interests without giving way to their sectarian views or building a nation that was constantly at odds with each other.

The Indian National Congress, led by Jawaharlal Nehru, became the dominant political force in the country after independence. They pursued a policy of secularism and aimed to build a united, democratic, and socialist India, where all citizens would have equal rights regardless of their religion, caste, or gender.

Regional parties also emerged and gained prominence, leading to a more diversified political landscape. In the past, political parties primarily relied on personal charisma and mass rallies to garner support from the public. However, with the advent of television, social media, and other communication technologies, political campaigning has become more sophisticated and data-driven. Political campaigns are designed to target specific voter segments and have become more personalized.

The media is a crucial factor in shaping public opinion about political issues and it has a significant influence on voter behaviour. With the rise of social media, especially in India, the circulation of information has been faster and reaches a much wider audience than traditional print or broadcasting media. The media influence has resulted in a greater engagement of citizens in politics, but it has also brought in some drawbacks.

In recent years, the Indian media has been accused of being partisan, biased, sensational, and propagating a particular political ideology. This has created a polarized environment in Indian politics, where the news channels and newspapers take sides and propaganda becomes more important than credible, factual news. The media also tends to focus more on personalities and less on policies, which can result in voters making emotional rather than rational decisions.

Despite these ill secrets of the politics, India always has affirmative reaction, even to it’s politics where we can see how India has made significant strides in women’s representation in politics. The 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments provide for the reservation of seats for women in local government, which has led to a more equitable representation. There has also been an increase in women’s participation in state and central politics. The federal system of India ensures that different regions, languages, cultures, and people groups have a voice in the decision-making process. The political parties and coalition building in India accurately reflect this diversity. Representing minorities in government provides a sense of inclusion and equality for everyone.

India has a parliamentary democracy with a federal system, which allows for greater representation of diverse regional interests and enables multiple parties to be part of the political discourse. It also has a vibrant and free press that keeps a check on political parties and their actions. Additionally, India has a large and engaged electorate that actively participates in the democratic process and holds leaders accountable for their actions.

By Pranjali Mishra

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The Web Of Indian Politics

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