Unknown God

Unknown God - English Story - Little Authors - littleauthors.in

Unknown God

A person who gives us unconditional love,
to know it’s very tough.

We don’t know & ignore,
but the person hides the feelings within the chore.

Cares for all of us,
whatever is the person’s own tsk.

Does everything for the family,
all the time happily.

Sometimes we forget,
the one who, for us waits.

The person wants to hear,
but what we do, never share.

Sits eagerly for us,
leaving all her rush,

The one might not, what we know.
but what we do, the person only shows.

Guesses all our moments,
stops us from being bent.

Protects from all storms & rain,
but we don’t understand the pain.

Takes away the troubles & illness,
being all time restless.

Wants to sit & know all we say,
we just can’t relay.

Now what do you wonder?
‘God’ you may ponder.

Where his power is limited,a
the living ray of strength is emitted.

The one is none other,
she’s our dear mother.

She sacrifice,
to stop the tear come to our eyes.

She takes away the sadness,
to start the day with a smile afresh.

MAA, everything about me she knew,
does more than God can ever do.

By Samriddha Biswas

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Unknown God

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