Have You Heard Of “Spring” ?

Have you heard of “Spring”? - Attiya Tul Hayee - Little Authors - littleauthors.in

Have You Heard Of “Spring” ?

Have you heard of “Spring”?
A season bringing great ecstasy,
For both the elderly and their offspring.
Spring is a season which blooms mysterious fantasy,
Into the heart of curiosity.

The liveliness of nature we welcome this spring,
As the flowers sway in the morning glow.
The birds puff their chests and open their wings,
The wind establishes its even flow;
It is truly a wonderful scene we ought to behold.

We hear the glamorous melody of the nightingale,
As if they had long ago predicted this beautiful destiny;
They continue to sing their exciting tale.
Brushing off the misery of winter, they pursue to tweet;
Without spring, wholesomeness would cease to exist.

The Earth shimmers in the Sun’s comforting rays,
The glory of the days reaches its zenith;
A smile of comfort is seen on everyone’s face.
Spring, as I personally believe, terminates negativity,
And consequently, improves our productivity.

Together let us relish in the season,
Make merry and strive for betterment.
Let us overcome our crippling fears,
And jump over life’s perilous impediment.

By Attiya Tul Hayee

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Have You Heard Of “Spring” ?

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