Best Year Of School

Best Year At School - English Stories - Little Authors -

Best Year Of School

This is about the best year of my school life, the year when I actually learned about the importance of percentage, the true value of friends, friends group and a lot more. The 9th grade!

The 8th grade had just ended. We got our results on 26th March. The sudden boost of excitement about a new academic year had started running through our veins. New books, new classes, new subjects, new teachers, new classmates, a chance to make new friends and a lot of fun , the feeling was just astonishing.

We came to know that the upcoming session will be starting on 1st April. Everyone was getting calls and texts from their friends enquiring about the latest stuff.

As soon as we heard about the school starting in a few days, everyone was out to shop for the stationaries, books, uniform, tiffins, water bottles,etc.

After getting our books, we started covering them. And just like me, it happened with everyone, everyone wrote their previous year’s grade falsely on the labels of the new books.

The day before school started was as always the most thrilling. Packing the bag was the best part. I was really looking forward to it. I could not sleep the whole night because I was lost in the dreams of school and I bet it was the same situation with everyone else.

The next morning, I was in a hurry to get ready for school so that I could reach the bus stop quickly. In that hurry I messed with a lot of things, like spilling the milk, wearing the wrong uniform and getting scolded. Then waiting for the bus to come was feeling great! When the bus arrived I boarded it and reached school talking and meeting my friends.

After reaching school, I was thinking about my class as I was climbing up the stairs. As soon as I arrived I saw there were new faces. I grabbed a seat and sat there and tried to make conversation with a few of my friends.

A few moments later our class teacher entered and everyone arose to bid her. Then started the introduction. The first lecture was all puns and fun,and we all got a slight idea about, well, us. But unfortunately the next lecture was all about studying as the teacher told us that there is no need for introduction as he will get to know us in a few days.

The third lecture was that of art, and we again had a lot of fun we just made a few freehand paintings. But after a few minutes we got bored yet we were lucky that the recess was just after that.

When the recess started, we all grabbed our lunchboxes and started eating, sitting above the bench. When we went out to wash our hands I saw that there was a huge line for buying the canteen food. Then, everyone got to the other classes to see their friends. That’s how our first recess of the year was.

Rest all the lectures went in studying and no one knew how the day went past. After reaching home I just like others started studying as a kick start to the new session. The next day was just as usual and the day after that and after that, it became a loop and April just ended in that loop. That marked the beginning of summer vacation.

We spent our holidays lost in the memories of school. One thing that we learned in April was that our class was the most mischievous, all the complaints that came out in April were from our class. At first no one liked it, but we all grew into it..

On 2nd June when the school reopened, I was not excited to go but reached school any how. During the 1st lecture, our class teacher informed us that the unit test was scheduled from 27th June till 6th July and that the open house for the same would be conducted on 16th July.

She also informed us that the child who would beat the best behaviour will be given the title ‘Star of the month’. I was made the star student in the month of July.

The unit exams went well, and the preparations for the term I examinations had already begun.

Time was flowing away so fast….. it was September already. Which was good as it was the most exciting month, because of teacher’s day and all of it’s celebrations were just as exciting.

The 10th grade students were supposed to become teachers for a day while the teachers would enjoy the celebrations. And I was lucky that year since most of my friends had got our class for teaching.

That day was really good, well no one used to teach we only and only had fun. “Anything but study”, was the law followed on those days. And of course we wouldn’t even dare to break that law.

The celebration day was over and once again it was all studies. On my birthday the term I exams were supposed to end so, yes we did enjoy. A lot!

Sports day was as usual held in the month of November. 26th November was the event date that year. I was in the human pyramid. That years sport event, well, not just sport event but all the events since that was the last year for our batch. Yes, in our school no annual events are held for the 10th grade students so that was indeed our last year. We gave it our all.

And then came our last ever, favourite day. The picnic!Or as it is called in our school ‘the field trip’. On December 22 we were out to enjoy it, and the good thing was that our whole group was coming. We played games, slept on the grass, danced and enjoyed a lot.

Than, from 23rd December as always the Christmas and New Year vacations began. And after the vacations the annual day preparations started.

I was chosen as the main narrator for the school drama. On 4th February the annual day was held.

It was a great day, some of my friends took a lot of pictures and teachers praised for lot of practice and hard-work. When we were in the dressing room,Everyone over ate and was in a fun mood. We all were wearing different clothes according to our performances. The performances went extremely well, yes, there were a few mistakes but everyone’s a master at covering them up. We enjoyed way too much.

Furthermore, a few days later were the final exams, I was prepared but just sad that the year was about to end. But the exams were held and they ended before we knew.

The classmates would be same, because all of us had the same subjects. Yet we had to study harder for the next session and cause less trouble.
I am going to miss this year enormously, and everyone else too will be missing it. Waiting in those long canteen lines, those fun free lectures, P.T. periods, all the celebrations, will be stored in our memories forever. And as it is rightfully said, “We did not knew we were making memories, we were just having fun”.

So, yeah, that was the end of the most exciting,enjoyable, and fun year of not just mine but all of our lives. We all will miss this year more than ourselves…

By Yashodhara Dornal

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Best Year Of School

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