The Case of Missing Necklace

The Case of Missing Necklace - Little Authors - Detective Stories

The Case of Missing Necklace

There was once a young boy named Aditya who loved nothing more than solving mysteries. He was always on the lookout for a good puzzle to solve and was convinced that he could be the best detective in the world.

One day, Aditya’s old neighbor, Mrs. Iyer, came to him in a panic knowing that he loved solving puzzles. She had lost her precious necklace and was desperate to find it. Aditya was thrilled to have a real case to solve and set to work.

He began by questioning Mrs. Iyer about her movements on the day that the necklace went missing. She told him that she had been gardening in the morning and had come inside to clean up. She couldn’t remember if she had taken the necklace off before or after she showered, but it was definitely gone when she went to put it on later.

Aditya went to work searching the garden and the house, looking for any clues that might lead him to the missing necklace. He examined the soil in the garden, checked under the furniture in the house, and even went so far as to dust for fingerprints.

After several hours of investigation, Aditya was no closer to finding the necklace. He was starting to lose hope when he remembered something that Mrs. Iyer had said – she couldn’t remember if she had taken the necklace off before or after her shower.

Aditya raced to the bathroom and searched the drain in the shower. Sure enough, there was the necklace, tangled up in the pipes. Aditya was thrilled to have solved the case and returned the necklace to a grateful Mrs. Iyer. From that day on, she always called Aditya whenever she had a missing item that needed to be found.

By Ayush Mehta

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The Case of Missing Necklace

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