Mom – A Fairy In Disguise

Mom - A Fairy In Disquise - Little Authors -

Mom – A Fairy In Disguise

Oh mother, dear mother
Without you, I would have been lost and unsure
Thank you for your boundless love
You’re the best blessing from above.
-Jane Davidson

Mother, is a word which fills everyone with emotions. Without them life would be certainly dark and gloomy. A mother is a precious gift of God with a heart of gold. A few words of acknowledgement would fill her heart with happiness. Flashback to when I was 8 years old on 4th Jan, 2017 it was my mom’s birthday, I wanted to make a greeting card for her but my immature mind did not know what to write for her thus I took a shortcut. I took my brothers greeting card and mirrored each and every line in my greeting card including the last line “FROM YOUR LOVING SON” thinking that I did a great job I gave it to her. She read the whole greeting card with a grin on her face. She told me how much she loved it and kept it inside her closet. After 3 years when I was searching through her closet for something I saw my greeting card which I wrote 3 years back. I read it and remembered how she didn’t correct me at that time as it would break my heart. That was the day I realized that her heart is filled with pure and innocent love without expectations.

“Being a mother is learning about
Strengths, you didn’t know you had,
And dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”
-Linda Wooten

A mother is a wonder woman. She is a multitasker. Nothing is an ‘impossible task’ for her. When the day ends after all the work she has done and still getting no compliments for the food she had made or any other work she had done, she doesn’t get upset instead she pacifies herself and goes to sleep and then she starts her new day with a beautiful smile. Mothers have hidden talents even though they do not get much credit for their goodness and hard work. She binds everyone in the family and plays a very important part in everyone’s Life. Mothers are bulletproof. She can bear all the taunts and still smile. Even if she is hurt by someone’s words, she would never show it in her face. Mothers are the most selfless human beings I have encountered in my life. They are like flowers but they never wither.

“Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind.”

We should never lie to our parents especially to our mothers. They just don’t deserve it. Mothers spend a significant part of their lives to make us capable to stand on our own feet. They sacrifice their own career and happiness for us. So, a mother’s trust should never be destroyed. A mother is a chef. Nobody can beat the food she makes. No matter in which restaurant you go you will always miss your mother’s food. It can never be replicated. The smile on a mother’s face is the most beautiful, nobody else has a smile like her. Whenever I see my mother all I see is a beautiful, hardworking and a powerful woman. A life without mother would be like a pen without an ink. My worst fear is losing my mother. Once I saw a nightmare in which my mother’s body was slowly fading away. I couldn’t touch her anymore; I couldn’t feel her. It felt as if my whole world had crashed. I woke up feeling breathless and was relieved when I saw my mother beside me. Just a nightmare of losing my mom made me shake from head to toe. Never in my life I can see my mother leave me.

“A mother is the one who fills your
Heart in the first place.”
-Amy Tan

Mothers are the constant source of encouragement be it in life or school studies. My mother has taught me to enjoy every aspect of life and live life to fullest. From the moment we are born, our mothers are there to provide us with love, care, and protection. They are the ones who are always by our side, through thick and thin, offering us their unwavering support and guidance. They are the first ones to celebrate our achievements and the first ones to comfort us when we fail. A mother’s love is unconditional and knows no bounds. My mother is not just my mother but also my best friend. I can speak with her with an open mind. She is my role model. I know that I can speak with her in hard situations and she would give me a word of wisdom. I know that she would never judge my past actions and focus on my present cause she really cares. Yes, we fight but at the end of the day we still hug each other and laugh about those moments. The beautiful moments I have spent with her is what I always remember whenever we have small fights. I recall the day we just gossiped. Gossiped about everyone. It was so fun! We laughed and cracked jokes. I don’t get a lot of time to talk with my mother but when I do, it becomes a SPECIAL DAY.

“A mother is she who can take place of all others but
Whose place no one else can take.”
-Gaspard Mermillod

Mothers have different roles and one of them being a wife. They are a supportive helper to their husband. Everyone needs someone who would hug them and comfort them after a long day at work and for my dad it’s my mother. A mother as a wife also plays a crucial role in managing the household’s daily responsibilities. This includes cooking, cleaning, managing finances, and ensuring that the family’s basic needs are met. By taking care of these essential tasks, she creates a stable and secure environment for her family to thrive in.

She cares for him the most in my point of view. I can see the love in her eyes for my father. She loves to cook especially for my father. She comes up with new JAIN RECIPIES for our family and honestly, she has totally spoilt us with her heavenly food. My dad holds a special bond with my mother. Before their
husband wife relationship, they are friends. My mom helps him with his business work and also brightens up his day. I love to see them together. They are my ideal couple.

“Words are not enough to express the
unconditional love that exists between a
Mother and a daughter.”
-Caitlin Houston

How can we forget? A mother is also a daughter. The relationship between a mother and her own parents can provide a source of love and guidance. I am sure that she relates with all the things I have written in this essay with her mother too. Not only that but she is also a sweet daughter-in-law. After marriage leaving her own family behind, she expects a good atmosphere at her in-law’s place. YES! SHE CAN HAVE EXPECTATIONS TOO. Never forget that she is also a human being. She gets burdened up with responsibilities after being a daughter-in-law and even more responsibilities after being a mom. A mother’s
life is so hectic yet she finds a way to balance it. I love you mom do not ever leave me please.

“A mother’s love is something that no
One can explain, it is made of deep
Devotion, sacrifice and pain, it
Is endless and unselfish and
Nothing can destroy it or take that love away.”

-Helen Steiner Rice

Ever realised her sacrificing nature? For instance, the last piece of your mom’s favourite cake is remaining. You pick up the piece and ask your mother “Do you want it?” even if she does, what does she say? “I am not hungry” or “I don’t like it” she makes excuses and why? As she wants you to eat all the delicious
food items, she wants you to be happy. A mother can sacrifice everything for her child. A mother always thinks about others. Going to the mall your mother would buy things that you and her family likes but what about her? She never thinks what she would like!! So, dear daughters and sons reading this essay buy
something which your mother would like and gift it to her. Even if it’s a small keychain I promise you, she will love it. I belong to the last generation of GENZ whose mother is a millennial and who is satisfied in limited resources and definitely does not expect expensive surprises on her birthday.

“The influence of a mother
In the lives of her children is beyond calculation.”
-James E. Faust

Being a mother is itself a full-time job but some mothers take it to next level by being a finance manager for their family. She ensures that all the bills are paid on time and makes sure that her family is financially stable. This requires a perfect plan including accounting and everything related to cash. It requires
dedication and hard work and at the end, it is all worth it. Mothers are street smart and way cleverer than you think.

“Describing about a mother would be
To write about a hurricane in its perfect power.”
-Maya Angelou

The mother I want to be is someone who is good enough for my children. When we strive to be ‘perfect,’ and let our knee-jerk perfectionism win, we let our children down. Why? Because we begin to show our children, model through our beliefs and behaviours, that anything less than perfect is a failure. I want to be a mother who is supportive. I want to be a mother who is dedicated and be someone who would never let her child down. It’s a tough task as being a mother needs a lot of patience but when we would see our kids
laughing and playing with us, it would be a blissful feeling.

“Youth fades; love droops;
the leaves of friendship fall; A mother’s
secret hope outlives them all.”
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Your Mom does countless things for you. Its impossible to compete with her but few steps taken towards your mother can totally change your mother-child relationship. One shall treat their mother with dignity and respect, they aren’t less than any god. They are not children so don’t treat them like one. Listen to them, understand what knowledge they are trying to give you. Make time for them. Mothers crave for some time and love from their children. Advocate for them. Learn to admire her decisions. Show her gratitude and let her be a part of your family. Celebrating motherhood is a must they deserve to be celebrated and appreciated for all that they do.

“When you are looking at your mother,
You are looking at the purest love you will ever know”
-Charley Benetto

In this fast-paced world where technology is moving God speed ahead of emotional sentiments, I have seen my mother trying her best to cope up with this change. She tries to learn the “SHORTCUT LANGUAGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA” like ‘lol’, ‘brb, ‘yolo’ and what not!! Its just so sweet of her. If your mother is so eager to learn about the new tech why not just help her with it? Be calm and explain it to her in detail if she asks you a simple question like “What is chrome?” don’t get frustrated and don’t make fun of her. Some people didn’t grow on social media platforms and emoticons. Keep your phrases nice and simple. Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand them. They are new and unfamiliar with these things. Try to count all the times when your mother has helped you-she was also patient right?

“A mother’s love is more beautiful
Than any fresh flower.”
-Debasish Mridha

In a world that can sometimes be cruel and unforgiving, mothers love is a constant source of comfort and strength. I know that I can never be able to repay my mother for all that she has done for me, BUT I WILL SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE TRYING.

By Ubika Jain

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Mom – A Fairy In Disguise

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