Ken Goes Fishing

Ken Goes Fishing - Little Authors

Ken Goes Fishing

The summer vacation was going and today it was a bright summer morning, Ken and his dad went for fishing. Ken was pestering his dad to learn fishing and today was the day. Ken took his fish pole and his dad took some worms. Off they went to the lake.

At the lake, Ken and his dad got on a row boat. Ken’s dad paddled the boat to a place where he knew there would be fish. Ken was excited and enjoyed the boat ride.

His dad taught him how to put the worm on the hook. He then showed him to throw the line in the water. They now waited. Ken could hear the chirping of the birds in the woods around the lake.

Suddently Ken felth the line pull. Was it a fish ?

He reeled in the line, it was quite heavy. Was it a Big fish ?

When Ken reeled the whole line out of the water, alas it a old shoe.

By Olivia Stevens

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Ken Goes Fishing

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