Divine Rivers

Divine Rivers - Little Authors - littleauthors.in

Divine Rivers

Up North, there flows Ganga
She is the mother of all rivers
She is the symbol of beauty and purity
She is the symbol of divinity and eternity
Oh Ganga! May your water forever flow!
May your banks forever be blessed!

To the East, there flows Bramhaputra
Its journey is both fierce and calm
Its water is both wide and deep
Oh Bramhaputra! May your water forever flow!
May your banks forever glow!

To the West, there flows Sindhu
Through the lands of ancient Indus valley
She is the symbol of glory of the past
Oh Sindhu! May you flow forever with pride!
May your waters forever be a guide!

Down South, there flows Kaveri
Through the lush green forests
Her waters nourish the life
She is the symbol of peace and harmony
Oh Kaveri! May you flow forever with ease!
May your water always bring peace!

By Siddhant Bhagwat

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Divine Rivers

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