Author : Kavya Ganeshan

My Puppy Dog

My Puppy Dog My family got a new dogIts fur is short and whiteI totally love himHe is an absolute sight He is a small puppyAnd always outside my doorHe licks me slurpyAnd wags his tail for more He is always by my sideNo matter where I goHe is my friendly guideWhen there is nowhere […]

Owning Your Mistake

Owning Your Mistake Raghu was a curious boy. He was fond of reading adventure stories. He lived with his grandfather. One night, he stealthily entered the store room where his grandfather kept his priceless antiques. Raghu knew his grandfather did not like anyone to touch his rare collections. Once inside the room, Raghu stood on […]

The Rock On The Road

The Rock On The Road One day the minister saw that the king was in a thoughtful mood. He walked upto the king and asked him “What are you thinking my lord?” The king sighed and said “Are people becoming indifferent and selfish?”. The minister who was well known for his wisdom said “My lord, […]

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