The Perfect Gift
Once upon a time there lived a very famous king, named George. One day he was talking to his Minister when a random question popped up in his head. ” What is the perfect gift as in charity or even anyways” he asked his minister. The ministerreplied “My majesty, I know the right answer for this question but I would like to prove it. I promise, tomorrow I will bring some people who I will ask for their personal opinion about this. The king agreed. The next day the minster came back with an old poor man. He said “Your Majesty I have brought an old man too see his response to your unique question.” Then he asked a question to the old man that was quite different from the one the king asked. He said “oh dear old man here is a hundred rupees, is this enough or do you want more?” The old man said ” thank you very much but I am very poor and I would like some more. “
Half an hour later the minister came back back with a poor old woman. He asked the same question as before “Oh dear old woman, here are three sarees, are these enough or do you want more?” The old woman replied “may God bless you dear, but I am very poor so I would like some more”.
Some time later the minister came back with a young poor man and said “Here’s some food for you. The man pounced on it as if he was starving. The minister waited until the young man had finished his food.
Meanwhile the king was completely confused. After he finished his food the minister said “is the food enough or would you like more? “. The young man replied ” No, thank you sir! The food was delicious and enough for the whole day’s meal.”
The young man left the palace.
The minister said “Your Majesty, I hope you got the answer to your question”.
The perfect gift is Food.
The king was impressed and realised that the material requirement of any human being can never be satisfied and they would always want more. The perfect gift is to feed a starving person.
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I liked the story. There is no better gift than food for a starving person. One problem with food is that one can eat a maximum of 400 gms. He will need food again after some time. The King may not be there to feed him. So the best gift is to impart the ability to earn one’s food. Leave that aside. The King is a foreigner and so is the minister. Sari, rupee etc do not match with the foreign setting depicted in the illustration. The author calls the King famous. She does not explain why he is famous. Notwithstanding these comments, the story appeals to the reader because the author is able to keep the reader in suspense. That is till the last. The best way to improve writing is to write more. Congratulations, Frreya Rohtagi
Thank you for your valuable feedback, sir. Very interesting observations you made. We will certainly take care of the points. Regards,
Well done Freeya 👏 ❤️be amazing u r super 🌠
Thank you so much Preeti maasi, means a lot. Love,