Song Of Death

Song Of Death - Poem - Little Authors

Song Of Death

One day, soon, you shall have to leave,
That is my job, so do not grieve.
I will have to take you, come what may,
No matter what you do or say.

So many are gone, no matter what,
For Death is not for one, but the whole lot.
You are never too young and never too healthy,
Never too smart and never too wealthy.

So many of you want more time,
But you will always have one final line.
If it’s time you want, you have some now,
I am not coming for you right now.

So what you wish to do if I give you time,
Do all that now, it is no crime.
Don’t ask for time, I cannot give you that,
You may be a king, or maybe a rat.

Time will not be handed to you,
So do whatever you wish to do.
Don’t leave everything for later,
You will have to go back to your creator.

Then, on your last day, you shall find,
The legacy that you left behind.
But make one quick, I cannot stay,
And I will come for you one day.

By Aditi Siddarth

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Song Of Death

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