Cleaning The Park

Clean Park - Little Authors - Online Publishing for Kids

Cleaning The Park

Rohan asked his mom if he could ride his bike to the park. “As long as you wear your helmet when you are riding,” she said. When Rohan got to the park it was filled with people
holding garbage bags. A lot of his friends were there and so were some of his neighbours. His friend Misti said, “Everyone is pitching in and cleaning the park today.” She asked Rohan if he would help.

Rohan said, “Sure,” and asked for a garbage bag.There was garbage everywhere. Rohan picked up candy wrappers, juice pouches, newspapers and apple cores. It was really gross. After an hour, he had filled three garbage bags. His friends filled a lot of garbage bags too.

When everyone was finished, one of the neighbours loaded the filled garbage bags in the garbage bins next to the park for the garbage truck to collect next morning. The park looked great. They put up signs around the park that read, “Please place garbage in garbage cans and help keep the park clean.”

One of his neighbours bought Vada Pavs and Nimbu sharbat for everyone who helped clean the park. After they ate, Rohan and his friends made sure to put their garbage into the garbage cans. Rohan was happy even though he did not get a chance to ride his bike but his effort helped clean the park.

By Karan Bhardwaj

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Cleaning The Park

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