
Teacher - Poem - Little Authors - littleauthors.in


Not less than mom or dad,
Controls us when we go mad

Works for us selflessly,
Works for us endlessly

Never thought about her own self,
Always there ready for us to help

We come to teacher to learn and grow,
She welcomes warmly and the affection and love she show

She always tries and never loses her hope,
Just to us to reach to the top

We get good future is her crave,
She even wants us not to lose hope and be brave

Everyone becomes successful is her demand,
Her life is full of struggle you cannot understand

You are the one who can fulfill her dream,
One day you will listen her happy scream

She feels proud when you achieve,
Never leads you alone, means she never leaves

She is always there to motivate,
For you to know your mistake she even rate

Call her tutor, Instructor either,
That is one and only my TEACHER

By Vandani

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5 thoughts on “Teacher

  1. Very beautifully described the importance of teacher in life . As a teacher I enjoyed and loved reading this

  2. This poem reveals that teacher is like a road who leads its people to their destination. Very nice poetry written by a student.

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