The Land Of The Lions

The Land of the Lions - Little Authors

The Land Of The Lions

The lions, and humans lived together peacefully. Everyone was happy, there wasn’t a single complaint… well… that is till James came. You see, James was the son of the human leader, and had been hidden out from the lions for a reason. His parents died before revealing it but, what happened was, some lions, who despised the humans, killed the leader and his wife while they were out travelling towards Europe. James was 18 at the time and wanted revenge, he wanted to wipe every single lion off of Earth. And so, it began- the long-lasting war between lions, and humans…

A few centuries later…

The lions ruled the Earth, there were good ones and evil ones. The human race was believed to be extinct, but was far from the truth.
Leo, a young lion was one of the good ones. He was kind, and helpful, yet brave and cunning as well as ferocious. When it came to hunting, he was an expert. This skill was essential to survive in the lion world.

All was good, until, one day, a whole army of villainous lions came to attack the village of all of the pure ones. Everyone was fearful, some fought back, while others fell to their demise. Leo had barely escaped alive, as he fought for his mother and sisters. But he failed, everyone he knew and loved was captured- taken away to some unknown area. Leo tried his best to keep up with the army, but ultimately, he got tired due to his injuries and fainted.

“Are you awake?” A soft voice whispered as Leo woke up and saw something he thought he’d never ever come across, or even look at. He saw humans, nine of them. Two looked like the parents, three teenagers and the others were jolly kids running around. Everyone gasped as he opened his eyes, “It’s awake!” Leo grumbled, “Where am I? What are you filthy creatures doing here?!” Suddenly, a girl spoke, “Excuse you, us ‘FILTHY CREATURES’ just saved your life. If it weren’t for us, you would’ve been captured already.”

“Talk to it nicely… or we might just get eaten up.” Someone else exclaimed.
“No, no, I won’t hurt you. And I am sorry, for calling you filthy…” Leo said in a deep yet calm voice.
“Apology accepted! What were you doing near the border?”
The girl asked. “And how can you understand me and speak to me??”
“Well… I wasn’t near the border by choice. You see, I was part of the good lion’s clan. Yesterday night, some evil lions came and just raided our village, my clan. I barely escaped but the others…. They were captured and were being taken somewhere. I chased the pride of lions but I was so low on stamina that I fainted. As per your second question, I was taught ‘Your language’, that’s how you can understand me, and vice versa.” Leo replied.
The kids seemed fascinated as if he was telling a bedtime story.
The girl seemed lost in thought as she mumbled, “I know where they are headed.” “You k…know? Where???” Leo asked.
She replied, “I could tell you, but it is far too dangerous!” Leo begged her to tell him, stating that he needs to save his family from those cruel monsters. When she finally gave in, she said, “Ok… but I’ll show you the way! So, I will be coming with you and won’t take no as an answer. Now follow me. By the way, I’m Emily, and you are?” “Leo, my name’s Leo. Now let’s go save my clan!!”

It had been 3 hours since Leo and Emily had left the house, and they were exhausted so Emily suggested that they go to an abandoned farmhouse nearby, where they would get fresh food and water. Leo reluctantly agreed, as he was worried it would be dangerous. Well, they sure did go over there, and heard voices. Voices Leo recognized, voices that sounded like hid parents.
“The reason I guided you here was… because I knew that your clan, was a special one and they keep those here. This farmhouse is actually… well a house, The House of The Lions.” Emily whispered.
Leo looked shocked, “The…. House of The Lions? I thought it was a myth… but if my family is on the other side, I’m going there.” Emily told him to wait and signaled him, meaning that it’s not safe as it would be guarded. She explained to him that his clan could understand other animals, which was not normal, as only one clan, the leaders’ clan. And the bad lions didn’t want anyone to outmatch them and become a leader.

Leo stopped for a while but then said, “We NEED to save my clan, especially if we are the leaders. But to do that, we need a plan as soon as possible. I was thinking, I can distract the guards while you free my clan. Then they can escape and come back with weapons, secret weapons that my late…. my late father made. Tell my mother that I have sent you to get THE weapons, and she will understand. Now go! And hurry!” Emily nodded and so… Leo jumped outside and screamed, “LET THEM GO! I AM THEIR LEADER! COME AND GET ME…. if you can.”

And like that, soon Leo had an army after him, which followed him for half an hour…until his clan came screaming with weapons and slowly got control. How did they get the weapons so quickly you ask? Well, that farmhouse belonged to Leo’s dad, who was apparently the leader of the lions. Leo didn’t figure that out until Emily told him it was The House of The Lions but, as I was saying, Leo’s dad had stored some weapons in the basement of the farmhouse. These were strong, strong enough to take down hundreds, and hundreds of lions.

As expected, the good clan had won the fight and they claimed the farmhouse, or The House of The Lions. They crowned Leo as the Lion Leader who declared peace between the lions and the humans. Many assassination attempts were made on Leo but, he forgave everyone, causing them to stop as there wasn’t a single person unhappy. The lions from the evil clan became good, other than the leader, who was kept in a cell so he wouldn’t harm anybody. All was good, and Emily, well she and her family were made human royalty for assisting the Lion Leader.

By Maroosha Taimoor Agha

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The Land Of The Lions

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