Zero Is A Hero

Zero The Hero - Story - Little Authors

Zero Is A Hero

One day, in the number land, Mrs. Nine decided to have a party. She invited Mr. Eight, Mrs. Seven, Mrs. Six, Mr. Five, Mr. Four, Miss. Three, Dr. Two, Miss. One and little Zero. Just when the party was about to start, Dr. Two noticed zero was not there.

Every one searched for Zero and finally he was found, hiding behind some bricks, by Mr. Four. When he was asked why was he hiding, he told other numbers, “I was hiding because I was feeling very useless, as I have no value in any of the mathematical processes”.

When he had finished, every one started to feel sorry for him. But all of them knew that Zero was not wrong. Just then Mr. Eight spoke up, “I agree on what you say, Zero. But have you noticed, that if you are kept in front of any digit, you multiply it by ten and that means you have a great value”. Zero thought for a while and then started smiling. He had understood what Mr. Eight was saying.

Now that Zero was found and was happy, they all started the party. They ate lots of tasty food and played many fun games.

By Mridul Jain

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Zero Is A Hero

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