One Unprivileged Girl Turned to a Successful Multibillionaire Designer

One Unprivileged Girl Turned to a Successful Multibillionaire Designer - Little Authors

One Unprivileged Girl Turned to a Successful Multibillionaire Designer

This is the enticing story of Mahreen, a young, ambitious girl who had always dreamed of becoming a successful designer, though, she was low on resources and quiet unprivileged, but that didn’t stop her from achieving her goal, her ultimate thought.

How it all Happened:

She was only at the age of 5 when she decided who she wanted to become, she had made this her final decision, and she was going to achieve it no matter what the cost. She’d been fond of reading books from her local library, the librarian there would let her read books for free, knowing she had not much money to buy one and take it home. Mahreen would spend hours and hours reading different books on different topics, she was never sent to school due to the fee and its expenses, but she was literate enough to understand English from the help of the librarian, who taught her at the age of 3.

Mahreen’s parents always thought she couldn’t do it, they thought of her as just a delusional child who just dreamt of things, but who thought Mahreen’s ‘delusions’ would come true? Mahreen didn’t care, she was determined to achieve her thought she was chasing after. At the young age of 12, she decided to start making art pieces by borrowing the supplies from the local art stores. This would turn the leaf of her life. She started selling these artworks, but it didn’t turn out so good for her in the start. No one would acknowledge her art pieces, this shattered Mahreen’s heart to pieces, but she didn’t let the sorrow take over her, she was committed and vowed to herself to not rest until she reaches the finish line, the one and only thought she’s had since childhood.

She continued to make art pieces and finally, when she made about more than 50 drawings, she collected enough money to rent a street shop to display all her drawings, and her small business of selling handmade paintings blew up to an extent where she couldn’t believe it. “She’s an exemplary young artist” People said, she was receiving all the recognition she needed, her heart was filled with all the joy and happiness a human could feel, but, something struck her which affected her fame for a little while, she was running out of paintings to sell. Mahreen was smart enough to handle the situation, she worked day and night in her little cottage, making and perfecting drawings, then she would set out in the morning to sell them. This was the golden ticket to her success.

Soon, when Mahreen turned 20, she enrolled herself into Harvard University, her dream university, her eyes couldn’t believe it, she was finally going to achieve her one and only ultimate thought, her only dream. She finally got to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree, a four-year degree which showed all her blood, sweat, and tears, all her hard work was worth the wait. She graduated and had grown famous, she was now a worldwide celebrity you could say. She was only 20 when she finally established her own significant graphic designing company, she had achieved her goal, finally, her vow had been fulfilled, she was now a multibillionaire CEO!

Mahreen was now worldwide famous, she collaborated with famous designers, won various awards, and got called to varying interviews. Her one and only ultimate goal, it had been achieved, finally. Mahreen couldn’t believe it, from the young unprivileged child to a successful multibillionaire CEO of a well-defined company, she had done so much for this and it finally happened. She once got called on a morning show for an interview, the reporter ask about he rlife, she retold her whole life and ended her interview with: “This is why believing in yourself and your dreams is always a treat, never let yourself down, don’t degrade yourself, ever”.

This was the story of Mahreen, the unprivileged girl who turned to a successful multibillionaire CEO. One unachievable dream turned to Reality.

By Syeda Sukaina Salman

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One Unprivileged Girl Turned to a Successful Multibillionaire Designer

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